The Evntiv team created a unique camp-inspired fundraising event for the American Diabetes Association appropriately titled, "The Campfire Ball". Upon arrival at The Peabody Opera House, guests walked through a…
The Saint Louis Ballet's winter fundraising event brought romance to the forefront this Valentine's Day. The evening began with a cocktail reception and performance of Love is in the Air at…
Last month, our in-house video team, Vidzu Media, created a fast-paced, informative video for Alive Magazine. The video was designed to highlight Alive's mission, the events and the opportunities the magazine…
Gone are the days where you need to memorize dozens of equations or stop and create a diagram to figure out capacity or seating. Super Planner is an app for…
Virgin Hotels opened its first property last month in the heart of the Loop, a culmination of a long-running renovation of a Chicago landmark. The 26-story Virgin Hotels Chicago consists…