Hot Entertainment: William Close & The Earth Harp

By June 30, 2013 October 18th, 2022 Hot Entertainment

Many times when designing an event, we are tasked with finding something truly unique to entertain guests. While this sounds easy, given the vast pool of talent that the internet provides us, it is not. Many acts are just slightly different versions of things we have already seen or know. It takes a true re-imagining of what is possible to be original or one-of-a-kind. This is precisely what William Close did when he invented the Earth Harp.

The Earth Harp is the largest stringed instrument on the planet.  It was developed by William Close in 1999. The body of the instrument rests on the stage and the strings travel out over the audience attaching to the back of the theater, turning the theater / concert hall, architecture and landscape into the instrument.  The giant long strings are played with violin rosin covered gloves.  The player runs their hands along the strings creating beautiful cello like tones.

William’s work explores the connection between architecture and music.  Inspired by the Frank Lloyd Wright quote “architecture is frozen music,” Close creates musical installations that use the architecture as part of the instrument.  Some of Close’s other instruments include, The Drum Orb, The Percussion Jacket, The Aquatar, the Wing Harp, and The Drumbrella to name a few.

William’s latest group, William Close and the Earth Harp Collective, features the Earth Harp at the center of the group and many other other signature instruments designed by Close.

For more information, please contact us.